Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Group Structure

Members - please access the 'members only' section for meeting agendas and minutes and TORs.


CCSDPT Meeting Schedule 2023

(Draft schedule)

If you are interested in attending the CCSDPT meetings please contact


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee meets every two months in Bangkok and is made up of Directors from the following NGOs: 

ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency

IRC International Rescue Committee

TBC The Border Consortium







The Education Sub Committee meets every two months during CCSDPT week and is attended by representatives from the NGOS listed below.  

ACTED Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development

ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency

COERR COERR Foundation

DARE DARE Network 

JRS Jesuit Refugee Service (Asia Pacific)

SCT Save the Children (Thailand) Foundation

SVA Shanti Volunteer Association

WEAVE Women’s Education for Advancement and Empowerment


The Health Sub Committee meets every two months in Mae Sot and is attended by representatives from the NGOS listed below.

COERR COERR Foundation

DARE DARE Network 

HI Humanity & Inclusion

IRC International Rescue Committee

MI Malteser International

Feedback from the WASH working group and Psyco-Social Health working group meetings are fed into the Health Sub Committee.



Working Groups

Camp Management

The Camp Management Working Group is made up of representatives from the following NGOs:  

 HI Humanity & Inclusion

 IRC International Rescue Committee

TBC The Border Consortium



The Livelihoods Working Group meet every two months in Mae Sot and these meetings are attended by representatives from the following NGOs: 

ACTED  Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development

ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency

COERR COERR Foundation

HI  Humanity & Inclusion

IRC International Rescue Committee

JRS Jesuit Refugee Service (Asia Pacific)

TBC The Border Consortium 

WEAVE Women’s Education for Advancement and Empowerment 


Community Farm supported by CAN (2).jpg



TBC The Border Consortium lead the shelter sector. 


Food Assistance and Nutrition

The Food Assistance and Nutrition Working Group meets on an adhoc basis and is attended by representatives from the following NGOs: 

IRC International Rescue Committee

MI  Malteser International

TBC The Border Consortium 


Psycho-Social Health

The Psycho-Social Health Working Group merging with Health Sector Group, meetings are attended by representatives from the following NGOs:

COERR COERR Foundation

DARE DARE Network 

IRC International Rescue Committee 

MI Malteser International 



The WASH Working Group merging with Health Sector Group, meetings are attended by representatives from the following NGOs:

COERR COERR Foundation

IRC International Rescue Committee 

MI Malteser International