In 2025, the CCSDPT is the coordinating committee for 13 NGOs operating in nine temporary shelters for displaced people along the border between Thailand and Myanmar.
For more information about our members, the displaced persons in the temporary shelters they work in and the work they do please click below of scroll down.
ACTED Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
ADRA Thailand Adventist Development and Relief Agency
COERR COERR Foundation
RF-DARE Ruammit Foundation-DARE Network
HI Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International)
IRC International Rescue Committee
SCT Save the Children (Thailand) Foundation
SVA Shanti Volunteer Association
CCSDPT members work in nine of the refugee camps in Thailand situated on the Thailand / Myanmar border.
3. Mae La Oon
5. Mae La
6. Umpiem Mai
7. Nupo
8. Ban Don Yang
9. Tham Hin
CCSDPT members work to implement and maintain programs as well as collaborate and coordinate efforts in a range of sectors to ensure services are implemented to fulfill the needs of the refugees.
Sectors we are working in: